11 February 2008: Counting the count

Countering the count
As St. Helena's census night is now over, and your form should already be complete, it may be safe to share a few stories about censuses around the world.

The 2000 American census found that nearly 95 percent of the United States is uninhabited.

Before the 2001 census in both Australia and the UK there was a campaign to get people to list their faith as "Jedi", hoping that the government would have to formally recognise Jedi as a religion.

Similarly, in the UK small villages often have 'census parties', inviting as many people as possible to stay in the village overnight. They hope that by raising the recorded population they will qualify for more services.

And, lastly, according to a survey, 9% of Australian Census collectors were injured or had clothing damaged due to a dog attack. In addition, one collector had the misfortune to be bitten by a horse, one chose not to tackle a large bull standing guard at a house, several collectors were driven off by geese, two were pursued by pet emus, one was attacked by nesting birds, and another was chased off by a large pig.